Elaboración de un listado cuantitativo de especialidades medicinales para pacientes con epilepsia refractaria en tratamiento con dieta cetogénica
Excipientes, Dieta cetogénica, Epilepsia reflactaria, Hidratos de carbonoAbstract
The ketogenic diet (KD) constitutes a non-pharmacological treatment for management of refractory epilepsy. This diet is based on variations in the relationships between lipids and carbohydrates (CH) + proteins (4:1 o 3:1). Because is a restricted diet in carbohydrates and its used in polymedicated patients we must take into consideration the contribution of CH of the excipients.
Identify the most commonly prescribed active ingredients (AI) in patients with KD and make a list of the medicinal specialties (MS) of each one detailing their contribution of CH.
Materials and Methods
We performed a descripted, prospective, observational and cross-sectional study of the most commonly prescribed active ingredients in patients with KD in our hospital in two complementary stages. The study was made from July 2018 to July 2019 and included the MS that were once part of our stock. The ME were classified in: complete qualitative-quantitative formula (CQQF), only qualitative formula (OQF), without formula (WF) and without leaflet (WL). A percentage statistical analysis was performed. The obtained information was summarized on an Excel table.
We analyzed 47 AI, 728 MS and 80 laboratories.
The results of each stage were: CQQF 57,7% and 81,9%; OQF 34,5% and 14,6%; NF 6,7 and 2,7%; NL 1,1 and 0,8%; respectively. It was found that 13.9% of the MS were CH free.
We found that the percentage of CH free MS was low. However we obtained a consultation table containing the contribution of CH from MS.
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